Microbiome & Cancer Group
Short Bio:
Dr Antonia Sophocleous is currently an Assistant Professor in Biochemistry at the European University Cyprus. She holds a PhD in Molecular Medicine (University of Edinburgh). Her background is in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (BSc Hons, Durham University) and her research focuses mainly on bone metabolism. She has been a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow for a number of years at the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine (IGMM), University of Edinburgh, mainly investigating the role of the endocannabinoid system in bone health, and the prospect of cannabinoid receptors as novel molecular targets for the treatment of osteoporosis and other bone diseases. More recently she developed a research interest in the role of the gut microbiome in the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and in cancer development and therapy. Since June 2021 Dr Sophocleous is the Leader of the “Microbiome and Cancer” Group. The main focus of her research group is to investigate the influence of the gut microbiome on gastrointestinal and extraintestinal cancers and in particular to examine the tumour-suppressive effects of Lactobacillus strains on proliferation, migration, and invasion of malignant cells. She has published in total 23 original research, peer-reviewed articles in reputed journals (fifteen [15] Q1 journals and one [1] Q2 journal), 10 of which are first-author manuscripts. In addition, she has written 3 book chapters in the most recent edition of the Bone Research Protocols book – Methods in Molecular Biology. According to Scopus, Dr Sophocleous has more than 500 total citations (h-index: 12). She has participated in 20 national and international conferences to present her research work either in oral or poster presentations. She is an instructor for the undergraduate programmes of Biological Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy and Nutrition & Dietetics. She has supervised to completion one (1) PhD student (co-supervisor, University of Edinburgh), three (3) postgraduate students (MSc Clinical Trials, University of Edinburgh) and fourteen (14) undergraduate students (BSc Biological Sciences and BSc Pharmacy, European University Cyprus). She is a reviewer for several Bone-specific scientific journals; a Co-Chair for the Editorial Board of HubLE Methods Committee (part of the IFMRS – International Federation of Musculoskeletal Research Societies), which produces bone-related protocols; she is a Management Committee Substitute member of Cyprus for the GEMSTONE (Genomics of MusculoSkeletal traits Translational Network) – CA18139 COST Action; and a Co-Editor of ECTS (European Calcified Tissue Society) Newsletter.
Research focus:
The main focus of the Microbiome and Cancer Group is to investigate the influence of the gut microbiome on gastrointestinal cancers. Over the past few years evidence has shown that dietary supplementation with probiotics is necessary to promote the development of beneficial microbiota in the intestine and thereby a healthy gut microbiome. In light of this, the Microbiome and Cancer Group is examining the tumour-suppressive effects of Lactobacillus strains. In particular, we are investigating whether secreted soluble factors from certain Lactobacillus strains prevent proliferation, migration, and invasion of malignant cells from the gastrointestinal tract.
Current Group Members
Past Group Members
Maria Moyseos
Current position: MSc student
Elena Theodoraki
Maria Papagianni
Elena Vrachimi
Evelina - Jasmin Petrikkou
Constantinos Christodoulides
Eleni Stylianou
Constantina Ellina
Savvina Panayiotou
Research Grants
University of Edinburgh, Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine internal funding (2016-2017). Role: Project Coordinator. Title: “The role of microbiome in osteoarthritis development”.
Arthritis Research UK (19799, 01/08/2012 – 31/12/2016). Role: Post-Doctoral research fellow employed on the grant. Title: “Genetic and Environmental Determinants of Paget’s Disease”.
Arthritis Research UK (17713, 02/01/2008 – 01/07/2015). Role: Post-Doctoral research fellow employed on the grant. Title: “Regulation of bone metabolism by cannabinoid receptors: mechanisms of action and implications for the treatment of bone disease”.
Selected Publications
- Sophocleous A., Yiallourides M., Zeng F., Pantelas P., Stylianou E., Li B., Carrasco G., Idris A.I. Association of cannabinoid receptor modulation with normal and abnormal skeletal remodelling: A systematic review and meta-analysis of in vitro, in vivo and human studies. Pharmacological Research, Nov 17:105928 (2021).
- Sophocleous A., Yiallourides M., Zeng F., Pantelas P., Stylianou E., Li B., Carrasco G., Idris A.I. Association of cannabinoid receptor modulation with normal and abnormal skeletal remodelling: A systematic review and meta-analysis of in vitro, in vivo and human studies. Pharmacological Research, Nov 17:105928 (2021).Epub ahead of print.
- Vallet M., Sophocleous A., Törnqvist A.E., Azfer A., Van't Hof R., Albagha O.M.E., Ralston S.H. Targeted Inactivation of Rin3 Increases Trabecular Bone Mass by Reducing Bone Resorption and Favouring Bone Formation. Calcified Tissue International, 109 (1), 92-102 (2021).
- Marino S., Carrasco G., Li B., Shah K.M., Lath D.L., Sophocleous A., Lawson M.A., Idris A.I. JZL184, A Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitor, Induces Bone Loss in a Multiple Myeloma Model of Immunocompetent Mice. Calcified Tissue International, 107 (1), 72-85 (2020)
- Staines K.A., Hopkinson M., Dillon S., Stephen L.A., Fleming R., Sophocleous A., Buttle D.J., Pitsillides A.A., Farquharson C. Conditional deletion of E11/Podoplanin in bone protects against ovariectomy-induced increases in osteoclast formation and activity. Bioscience Reports, 40 (1), pii: BSR20190329 (2020)
- Törnqvist A., Sophocleous A., Ralston S.H., Ohlsson C., Svensson J. Liver-derived IGF-I is not required for protection against osteoarthritis in male mice. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 317 (6), E1150-E1157 (2019)
- Marino S., de Ridder .D, Bishop R.T., Renema N., Ponzetti M., Sophocleous A., Capulli M., Aljeffery A., Carrasco G., Gens M.D., Khogeer A., Ralston S.H., Gertsch J., Lamoureux F., Heymann D., Rucci N., Idris A.I. Paradoxical effects of JZL184, an inhibitor of monoacylglycerol lipase, on bone remodelling in healthy and cancer-bearing mice. EBioMedicine, 44, 452-466 (2019)
- Beattie J.R., Sophocleous A., Caraher M.C., O'Driscoll O., Cummins N.M., Bell S.E.J., Towler M., Rahimnejad Yazdi A., Ralston S.H., Idris A.I. Raman spectroscopy as a predictive tool for monitoring osteoporosis therapy in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 30 (2), 25 (2019)
- Sophocleous A. and Idris A.I. Ovariectomy/Orchiectomy in Rodents (pp 261-267). In: Idris A. (eds) Bone Research Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1914. Humana Press, New York, NY (2019)
- Sophocleous A., Huesa C. Osteoarthritis Mouse Model of Destabilization of the Medial Meniscus (pp 281-293). In: Idris A. (eds) Bone Research Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1914. Humana Press, New York, NY (2019)
- Jin H., Sophocleous A., Azfer A. and Ralston SH. Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation in Bone Cells (pp 145-167). In: Idris A. (eds) Bone Research Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1914. Humana Press, New York, NY (2019)
- Marino S., Bishop R.T., Capulli M., Sophocleous A., Logan J.G., Mollat P., Mognetti B., Ventura L., Sims A.H., Rucci N., Ralston S.H., Idris A.I. Regulation of breast cancer induced bone disease by cancer-specific IKKβ. Oncotarget, 9 (22), 16134-16148 (2018)
- Caraher M.C., Sophocleous A., Beattie J.R., O'Driscoll O., Cummins N.M., Brennan O., O'Brien F.J., Ralston S.H., Bell S.E.J., Towler M., Idris A.I. Raman spectroscopy predicts the link between claw keratin and bone collagen structure in a rodent model of oestrogen deficiency. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1864 (2), 398-406 (2018)
- Sophocleous A., Robertson R., Ferreira N.B., McKenzie J., Fraser W.D. and Ralston S.H. The Reply. American Journal of Medicine, 130 (10), e457 (2017)
- Sophocleous A., Marino S., Kabir D., Ralston S.H. and Idris A.I. Combined deficiency of the Cnr1 and Cnr2 receptors protects against age-related bone loss by osteoclast inhibition. Ageing Cell, 16 (5), 1051-1061 (2017)
- Sophocleous A., Robertson R., Ferreira N.B., McKenzie J., Fraser W.D. and Ralston S.H. Heavy cannabis use is associated with low bone mineral density and an increased risk of fractures. American Journal of Medicine, 130 (2), 214-221 (2017)
- Sophocleous A., Marino S., Logan J.G., Mollat P., Ralston S.H. and Idris A.I. Bone cell-autonomous contribution of type 2 cannabinoid receptor to breast cancer induced osteolysis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290 (36), 22049-22060 (2015)
- Sophocleous A., Börjesson A.E., Salter D.M. and Ralston S.H. The type 2 cannabinoid receptor regulates susceptibility to osteoarthritis in mice. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 23 (9), 1586-1594 (2015)
- Vallet M., Soares D.C., Wani S., Sophocleous A., Warner J., Salter D.M., Ralston S.H and Albagha O.M.E. Targeted sequencing of the Paget’s disease associated 14q32 locus identifies several missense coding variants in RIN3 that predispose to Paget's disease of bone. Human Molecular Genetics, 24 (11), 3286-3295 (2015)
- Campbell G.M. and Sophocleous A. Quantitative analysis of bone structure by micro-computed tomography. BoneKEy Reports, 3, 564 (2014)
- Sophocleous A. and Idris A.I. Rodent models of osteoporosis. BoneKEy Reports, 3:614 (2014)
- Sophocleous A., Sims A.H., Idris A.I. and Ralston S.H. Modulation of strain-specific differences in gene expression by cannabinoid type 2 receptor deficiency. Calcified Tissue International, 94 (4), 423-432 (2014)
- Sophocleous A., Idris A.I. and Ralston S.H. Genetic background modifies the effects of type 2 cannabinoid receptor deficiency on bone mass and bone turnover. Calcified Tissue International, 94 (3), 259-268 (2014)
- Logan J.G., Sophocleous A., Marino S., Muir M., Brunton V.G. and Idris A.I. Selective tyrosine kinase inhibition of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor inhibits human and mouse breast cancer induced bone cell activity, bone remodelling and osteolysis. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 28 (5), 1229-1242 (2013)
- Sophocleous A., Landao-Bassonga E., van’t Hof R.J., Idris A.I. and Ralston S.H. The type 2 cannabinoid receptor regulates bone mass and ovariectomy-induced bone loss by affecting osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. Endocrinology, 152 (6), 2141-2149 (2011)
- Idris A.I., Sophocleous A., Landao-Bassonga E., Canals M., Milligan G.I., Baker D., van’t Hof R.J. and Ralston S.H. Cannabinoid receptor type 1 protects against age-related bone loss by regulating osteoblast and adipocyte differentiation in marrow stromal cells. Cell metabolism, 10, 139-147 (2009)
- Idris A.I., Sophocleous A., Landao-Bassonga E., van’t Hof R.J. and Ralston S.H. Regulation of bone mass, osteoclast function, and ovariectomy-induced bone loss by the type 2 cannabinoid receptor. Endocrinology. 149, 5619-5626 (2008)
Full list of publications
- Prof. Stuart H Ralston, Arthritis Research UK Professor of Rheumatology, University of Edinburgh
- Dr. Aymen I Idris, Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield